Workshops (2002) - Clergy-Laity

Clergy-Laity 2002 Information

Workshops (2002)

  Extensive Educational Program to be Offered To Clergy and Laity at Congress 

The Educational Program of the 36th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress will offer to Congress participants an extensive schedule of sessions that will focus on presenting guidance and resources for Offering Our Orthodox Faith to Contemporary America.  With a strong emphasis on education and the development and enhancement of ministry as critical both in offering a true witness of our faith and in addressing the tremendous challenges and opportunities of our contemporary world, the program will include over 40 sessions designed to equip the faithful for the continued work and growth of ministry within the parishes of our Archdiocese.

The sessions will be offered by both departments and organizations within the Archdiocese and will include specific sessions on topics related to the theme of the Congress.  The Departments of Religious Education, Youth and Young Adults, Philanthropy, Family and Interfaith Marriage, Greek Education, Communications, Internet Ministries, as well as the Ecumenical Office will offer sessions integrating the theme with the scope and mission of their particular ministries.  Additional sessions will be offered by the National Forum of Church Musicians and the Orthodox Chaplains.  Further sessions will be held on the topics of Stewardship, Home Missions, Ministry in the Small Parish, Senior Adult Ministry, Art and Architecture, Environmental Issues, Preaching, and Church Libraries and Book Fairs.

Most of the Educational Sessions will be held on Monday and Tuesday of the Congress, scheduled in two hour blocks, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm and 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm.  This schedule has been adopted for this Congress to prevent significant conflicts with organizational and committee meetings, thus allowing Congress participants the opportunity for extensive participation in the program.  The sessions will be one hour in length, with time offered for discussion and attention given to resources and models for ministry.  Some of the sessions will be panel presentations/discussions.  In addition, plans are being made to audio tape all of the educational sessions, with tapes being made for purchase and/or offered digitally through the website of the Archdiocese.

Schedule of the Educational Sessions and Workshops of the 36th Biennial Clergy Laity Congress - Los Angeles, CA 

Monday, July 1 

11:00 am – 12:00 noon

 1.  Byzantine Music Workshop                                                                              
Location: San Bernardino Room

Presenter: Stelios Kontakiotis

            This workshop will provide a basic overview of Byzantine music theory with some references to historical development. 

2.  Procedures for the Preservation of Parish Histories - Past, Present, and Future (11:00 – 12:30)

Location: Exhibit Hall Theatre

Presenters:  Prof. Paul G. Manolis, Mary Mousalimas, and Nikie Calle

            This workshop will affirm the crucial need for the preservation of community histories and provide guidelines on techniques for systematic research and existing archival resources. 

3. 50 Practical Ways to Enhance Religious Education in Your Parish
Location: Santa Anita A                

Department of Religious Education

Presenters: Mr. Themis J. Fotieo, Esq. and Rev. Fr. James Bogdan

            This session will discuss a multitude of ways to enhance and expand the program of Religious Education

            in the parish, including Speaker Programs, Audio/video Cassette Ministry, Bookstores, Parish Media/

            Computer Learning Center, and a host of other ideas and possibilities. 

4.  Environment and Parish: Orthodox Spirituality and  Care for the Environment                                       

Location: Santa Anita B

           Presenter:  Rev. Father John Chryssavgis

            This session will offer an audio-visual presentation on the intimate connection between religion

and ecology.  Attention will be given to three fundamental aspects of Orthodox theology and

            the spiritual life as they relate to understanding and care of creation.


5.  Working and Worshipping with Our Neighbors
Location:   Santa Anita C                                       

Office of Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations

Presenters: His Grace Bishop Dimitiros of Xanthos, His Eminence Metropolitan Maximos of Aenos, The Very Rev. Demetri Kantzavelos, Mrs. Elenie Huszagh, Esq., Rev. Fr. John Maheras

Panelists will offer an actual hands-on overview of how our Church is offering our Orthodox faith to contemporary America through involvement in inter-Orthodox, interchurch, and interfaith activities. 

12:00 noon – 1:00 pm

6.  Book Fairs and Spiritual Emphasis Programs                                                       
Location: Santa Anita A

Presenters: Rev. Fr. William Chiganos, Rev. Fr. Steven Tsichlis, Rev. Fr. Christopher Metropulos

Panelists will offer information on the use of Book Fairs and Spiritual Emphasis Programs in the life of the local parish as a means of offering our Orthodox Faith within and beyond the community and as means of facilitating education, spiritual growth, and the awareness of resources. 

7.  Working with Youth Workers
Location:   Santa Anita B                                                                              

Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries

Presenters:  Rev. Fr. Mark Leondis, Rev. Fr. Bill Gikas, Rev. Dn. Paul Zaharas, Mr. Nicholas Kotsis

            This workshop will be a panel discussion for youth workers and clergy on how to interview, choose and hire staff and volunteers for youth ministry. 

8.  An Orthodox Christian Perspective of Marriage
Location: Santa Anita C                                            

Department of Marriage and Family

Presenter: Rev. Fr. Charles Joanides

            This session will identify some of the key components of marriage from a Christian and Orthodox perspective, describe some of the ways our Orthodox faith positively impacts marital satisfaction, and offer balancing strategies that conflicted couples can employ in their efforts to enhance individual well-being, marital satisfaction and family stability. 

9.  Parish Management Software I: Introduction
Beaudry B                                                   

Department of Information Technologies

Presenter: Rev. Fr. John Touloumes

            This workshop will provide a general overview of how computers and software can be used effectively in the administration and ministry of an Orthodox parish.  This session will be particularly useful for parishes just starting to implement computer use in the parish offices as well as for parishes upgrading their old equipment. 

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm 

10. Internet Basics (2:00pm – 3:00pm)
Location: Beaudry B                                                                     

Office of Internet Ministries

Presenters: Mr. Bill Flegas, Mr. Jamil Samara

            Geared for the novice user, this session will cover the basics on how to use the Internet.  The session will answer a full range of questions from "What is a web browser?" to "What is available on the Internet for Orthodox Christians?" 

11. Clergy Workshop on Tax Issues
San Gabriel B                                                                  

Office of Finance

Presenter:  Harvey J. Berger, CPA, JD, Mr. John Barbagallo, CPA, Rev. Fr. Michael T. Kontogiorgis

            Clergy will be given information on various tax laws and recent changes that related to their compensation,  benefits, and tax responsibilities. 

12. Liturgical Music for Contemporary America – Feast Day and Sacramental Hymns in English
Location: Santa Barbara B/C

National Forum of Church Musicians

Composers and arrangers from the various Dioceses have submitted hymns with English texts that participants will explore and sing as examples of the wealth of liturgical music materials now available in English for Greek Orthodox parishes. 

13. Building Your Parish Web Site (3:00pm – 4:00pm)                                          
Location: Beaudry B     

Office of Internet Ministries

Presenter: Rev. Fr. Peter Orfanakos

            Using as an example the web site of the St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church in Orange, CT, this session will discuss 1) what are the first steps for a parish web site, 2) how to build a local Internet Ministry team, 3) how to assemble the structure and outline of your parish web site, and 4) selecting the appropriate content to put online.

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

14. Procedures for the Preservation of Parish Histories - Past, Present, and Future (4:00pm – 5:30pm) (repeat)

Location: Exhibit Hall Theatre 

15. The Qualities of a Religious Education Teacher
Location: Santa Anita A                                              

Department of Religious Education

Presenter: Mrs. Eve Tibbs

            This workshop will discuss the skills and qualities of an effective Orthodox catechist.  The skills and Qualities will correspond to the six components of the CANA Curriculum Design Model (John 2:1-12).  

16. The Scope and Mission of the Department of Philanthropy
Location: Santa Anita B                          

Department of Philanthropy

Presenter:  His Grace Bishop Andonios of Phasiane

            This session will examine the mission and plans for the newly established Department of Philanthropy. 

17.  Rediscovering the Apostolic Vision for Missions in Contemporary America
Location: Santa Anita C

Commission for Orthodox Mission and Evangelism – Diocese of San Francisco

Presenters:  Mrs. Catherine J. Lingas, Rev. Fr. Theodore Dorrance

            This workshop will be short presentations inviting questions and discussion related to missions, including the history and function of the Commission for Orthodox Mission and Evangelism and models, challenges and experiences of the mission parish. 

5:00 pm – 6:00 pm 

18. The Philanthropic Parish
Location: Santa Anita A                                                                          


Presenters: The Very Rev. Anthony Scott, Mr. Jerry Minetos, CPA, MBA

            This seminar will introduce the professional theory and methodology of non-profit institutional development, as utilized by leading universities, major cultural institutions and national service agencies, as well as an by an increasing number of Orthodox parishes and Church organizations.  Emphasis will be placed upon annual giving rather than capital campaigns or endowments.

 19. Parish Early Childhood Programs  
Location: Santa Anita C                                                                 

Department of Greek Education

Presenters: Rev. Fr. John Chakos, Dr. Cristal Chaney

            This session will include a presentation of the program of the Three Hierarchs Eastern Orthodox School and address the steps a community must take to start an early childhood program. 

20. Sharing Our Orthodox Tradition with Non-traditional Kids
Location: Santa Anita B                

Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries

Presenter: Rev. Dn. Paul Zaharas

            The focus of this workshop is to understand better the society and culture that young people are growing up in today and to explore how we can share with them our Orthodox tradition through relational youth ministry. 

Tuesday, July 2

11:00 am – 12:00 noon 

21. Byzantine Music Workshop (repeat)
Location: San Bernardino                                                                       

22. Procedures for the Preservation of Parish Histories -     Past, Present, and Future (11:00 – 12:30) (repeat)

Location: Exhibit Hall Theatre 

23. Parish Management Software II: Members and Mailing Lists              Beaudry B

Department of Information Technologies

Presenter: Rev. Fr. John Touloumes

            This session will look at how computer software can make managing member databases and mailing lists easier for parishes.  Topics to be covered include 1) the benefits of computer-based records, 2) software options for churches, 3) special concerns for Orthodox parishes, and 4) keeping up with postal regulations and discounts.  A hands-on software demonstration will be provided.           

24. Using the Newly Designed Teenage Curriculum Material
Santa Anita A                          

Department of Religious Education

Presenter: Rev. Fr. Frank Marangos, Dr. Vasiliki Tsigas-Fotinis

            This session will describe the procedures that are currently being employed to develop the Teenage Curriculum and will outline how to use the new curriculum that is based on the needs of teenage students or learner. 

25. Christ and the Gospel in the Parish
Location: Santa Anita C                                                                   

Presenter: Rev. Fr. Theodore Stylianopoulos

            This workshop will explore clear and practical ways in which all Orthodox Christians can 1) increase their understanding and meaning of the Gospel, 2) be inspired to live according to the vision of the Gospel, and 3) help create a parish context where the Holy Spirit releases the power of the Gospel for community spiritual renewal and a mighty bulwark against an all-encroaching cultural secularism. 

26. Architecture as a Timeless, Living Icon of Orthodoxia
Santa Anita B                             

Presenter: Mr. Christ J. Kamages, AIA

            It is the mission of this session to both connect and transform the participants in understanding the process and resultant product of the Orthodox architectural tradition as a key element of our Orthodox Faith and witness. 

12:00 noon – 1:00 pm

27. Parish Capital Campaigns: Climbing Multi-Million Dollar Mountains

Location: Santa Anita A


Presenters: The Very Rev. Anthony Scott, Mr. Jerry Minetos, CPA, MBA

            This workshop will offer a brief introduction into the professional theory and methodology of major gift fundraising—gifts exceeding $100,000, the rare but oft-times massive planned gift, family foundations, endowments and understanding major donor motivation.  

28. Resources for Outreach
Location: Santa Anita C                                                                                      

Department of Philanthropy

Presenter: His Grace Bishop Andonios of Phasiane 

29. Ministering to the Family
Location: Santa Anita B                                                                               

Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries

Presenter: Rev. Fr. Mark A Leondis

            This workshop will focus on models of family ministry and will assist the participants in defining the roles of parents, youth workers and clergy in family ministry.  Materials and discussion will focus on local parish programming and starting a family ministry. 

30. Creative Ideas for Parish Web Sites                                                               
Beaudry B

Office of Internet Ministries

Presenter: Mr. Theo Nicolakis

            Whether your parish is looking to build a new web site or wants to improve the current one, this session will explore a variety of ideas that will make your parish web site more informative, relevant, and exciting. 

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm 

31. Parish Management Software II: Members and Mailing Lists
Location: Beaudry B              

 (2:00pm – 3:00pm) (repeat)

32. Orthodox Chaplaincy Meeting and Clergy Workshop
Location: San Gabriel B                               

Presenters: His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah of Proikonisos, Rev. Fr. Luke Uhl

            This workshop will include presentations on the Armed Forces, Veterans Administration, Police Department, Fire Department, and Hospital Chaplaincy Programs, as well as providing a time for  general discussion on  Chaplaincy work. 

33. Building Your Parish Web Site (3:00pm-4:00pm) (repeat)
Location: Beaudry B

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm 

34. Making Our Faith Visible in the Media
Location: Santa Anita C                                                

Department of Communications

Presenters: Presvytera Nikki Stephanopoulos, Marissa P. Costidis, Rev. Fr. Christopher Metropulos

            This workshop will give clergy and laity the tools and constructive guidelines for making our Orthodox faith visible within their local newspaper and on their radio and tv stations.  The session will also give an overview of the communications process already available as electronic media, radio programming, videos, etc.  

35. Addressing Intermarried Couples Unique Pastoral Challenges
Location: Santa Anita B                 

Department of Marriage and Family

Presenter: Rev. Fr. Charles Joanides

            Participants in this workshop will receive an overview of the Orthodox social ecological developmental theory, a theory which can assist clergy and lay workers in their efforts to address the unique pastoral challenges that intermarried couples and their families encounter as a result of their religious and cultural differences. 

36. Establishing a Parish Distance Learning Project and Technology Center
Location: Santa Anita A

Department of Religious Education

Presenter: Rev. Fr. Frank Marangos

            This workshop will outline the steps that a parish can undertake to establish a distance learning program. Demonstrations will be provided of newly developed CD-roms.  A review of the Internet School of Orthodox Studies (ISOS) will be provided.  The ISOS is the Distance Learning Program of the DRE.

37. Exploring the New Archdiocese Web Site
Location: Beaudry B                                                         

Office of Internet Ministries

Presenter: Mr. Bill Flegas

            The award winning Office of Internet Ministries has unveiled a new web site for the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese at  This new web site is packed with new features, resources, and information for Orthodox Christians.  This session will explore the highlights of the new site. 

38. Procedures for the Preservation of Parish Histories -Past, Present, and Future (4:00pm-5:30pm) (repeat)
Location: Exhibit Hall Theatre

5:00 pm – 6:00 pm 

39. Ageless Ministry in a Modern Age
Location: Santa Anita A                                                              

Senior Adult Ministry

Presenter: Rev. Deacon Nektarios Morrow

            This session will give attention to the changing demographics of modern American society in which the number of senior adults is rapidly increasing.  The presentation will address issues of ministry to senior adults, but also acknowledge the tremendous potential of ministry by senior adults. 

40. Ministry in the Small Parish
Location: Santa Anita B                                                                          

Presenters: Rev. Fr. Theodore Dorrance, Rev. Fr. Theodore Tsitsilianos

            This workshop will offer models of ministry from the practical perspective of two parish priests who have had successful ministries in small parishes.  As the dynamics and challenges are different in the smaller community, this workshop will provide a time for reflection and discussion on strengths and priorities of ministry in this context. 

41. The Program of Hellenic Education in the Afternoon Schools
Location: Santa Anita C                    

Department of Greek Education

Presenters: Rev. Fr. Efstathios Mylonas, Prof. Maria Pantelias

            This session will give attention to the importance and structure of parish Afternoon Schools, emphasizing the value and critical need for teaching our youth about their Hellenic heritage.  Information will also be provided on Greek Studies programs and resources that assist in the program of afternoon schools. 

42.  Parish Management Software III: Stewardship and Contributions
Location: Beaudry B              

Department of Information Technologies

Presenter: Rev. Fr. John Touloumes

            This session will examine how computer software can manage recording of financial information, track and report pledges, regular offerings and special contributions.  Topics will include 1) using software in financial operations, 2) informing parishioners, 3) software options for parishes, and 4) special concerns for Orthodox parishes.  A hands-on software demonstration will be provided. 

Wednesday, July 3

10:00 am – 11:00 am

43. Parish Management Software III: Stewardship and Contributions            (repeat)          
Location Beaudry B 

11:00 am – 12:00 noon

44. Parish Management Software IV: Sacraments and Memorials                 
Location: Beaudry B

Presenter:  Fr. John Touloumes

            This session will look at how Orthodox parish management software can be used to produce sacramental reports , letters, and certificates and will include a hands-on demonstration of a computerized registry system.  It will also show how memorial records and contributions can be combined to save hours of work in recording. 

12:00 noon – 1:00 pm

45. Technology in the Parish                                                                              
Location: Beaudry B

Department of Information Technologies

Presenters:  Rev. Fr. Peter Orfanakos, Mr. Theo Nicolakis

            Technology can greatly improve both the speed and effectiveness of parish communication, help in the organization of the local parish, and assist the parish priest in his ministry.  This session will 1) look at the technology and tools available to parishes and the parish priest and 2) explore tips and skills for using these tools to enhance ministry. 

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

46. Building Your Parish Web Site (repeat)                                                                        
Location: Beaudry B 

3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

47. Creative Ideas for Parish Web Sites (repeat)                                                  
Location: Beaudry B 

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

48. Parish Management Software V: Advanced Users Forum                          
Location: Beaudry B

Department of Information Technologies

Presenter: Rev. Fr. John Touloumes

            This forum is designed for users already familiar with parish management and office software who would like to go outside the "box" with their work.  Learn about mailmerge, exporting to various software packages, integration and more.  There will be ample time for users to ask questions and find solutions to unique situations.

Thursday, July 4 

10:00 am – 11:00 am

49. Technology in the Parish (repeat)                                                                       
Location: Beaudry B

 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

50. Exploring the New Archdiocese Web Site (repeat)                                               
Location: Beaudry B

Clergy-Laity 2002