Recording. The Plenary session of the Congress will be recorded.
Agenda. The Plenary session will be conducted according to the Agenda as referenced by the Presiding Officer and posted on the Clergy Laity website.
Delegates. Only Clergy-Laity Congress delegates may participate in the Plenary Session in accordance with Article 4 of the Regulations of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Proxies are not permitted.
Identification. Each delegate shall identify him/herself prior to commenting or speaking (by name, parish and city, or as a member of the Archdiocesan Council, where applicable) Anonymous comments, statements or motions will not be entertained.
Speaking Limitations. Each delegate may speak only once to any issue before the Plenary session for a period of up to two (2) minutes, unless the Presiding Officer extends the time limit, in his discretion.
Voting. Each delegate is entitled to one (1) vote. All votes shall be decided by majority unless the applicable Archdiocesan Regulations or the official parliamentary authority for the Clergy Laity Congress requires a greater majority. All votes shall be taken by electronic ballot.
Resolutions. General resolutions not financial, administrative or legal in nature and regarding matters of interest to the Faithful may be submitted by delegates, to the Chair of the Resolutions Committee designated by the Presiding Officer, for the committee’s consideration. Any such resolutions must be submitted in writing by 5:00pm on September 9, 2020.
Parliamentary Authority. Except for canonical and dogmatic matter, and insofar as is consistent with custom and practice and these rules of procedure, Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, latest edition, shall be the official parliamentary authority for the Clergy-Laity Congress.