Sponsorship Opportunities - Clergy-Laity

Sponsorship Opportunities

We need your generous support.

The 45th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress will be hosted in Cleveland, Ohio by the Metropolis of Pittsburgh from June 28 - July 3, 2020. Plans for a wonderful Congress are well underway.

Historically, the Congress registration fees cover approximately 60% of the costs and the remaining expenses are covered by the generous donations of businesses and faithful Orthodox Christians like yourselves.

Please consider donating in any amount or at one of the Sponsorship Levels. Your donation is the key to the Congress's life and success. 

Download our Sponsorship Package to learn more or to make your donation by check.

Sponsorship Levels


Diamond- $100,000
Gold- $50,000
Silver- $25,000
Patron- $5,000
Friend- All Other Amounts

Event Sponsors

Grand Banquet- $75,000
Cultural Event At Rock Hall- $50,000
Opening Breakfast- $35,000
VIP Event at Art Museum   *- $25,000
Theatre Event at Playhouse Square- $15,000
Congress Hospitality Hour- $5,000
Youth Program    *- $1,000

Other Sponsors

Exhibit Hall     *- $30,000
Registration- $20,000
Program Speaker- $15,000
Delegate Materials- $10,000*
Pole Banner- $7,500
Lanyard/Badges    *- $2,000

Chapel    *- $1,000



* crossed out items have been fulfilled