Clergy-Laity 2014 News and Messages

Vice President Joe Biden to Deliver Remarks at the Clergy Laity Grand Banquet in Philadelphia

July 5, 2014

NEW YORK – Vice President Joe Biden will deliver remarks at the Grand Banquet of the 42nd Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.

The Grand Banquet is traditionally the concluding event of the Clergy-Laity Congress, and it will take place the evening of July 9. Eighteen hundred delegates and guests are expected to be in attendance.

His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America will preside at the 42nd Biennial Clergy Laity Congress which will convene this year in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 6- 10, 2014, at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown Hotel and it will focus on the theme of this Congress "The Orthodox Christian Family: A Dwelling of Christ and a Witness of His Gospel." Concurrently with the Clergy-Laity Congress, the Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society will convene its Biennial National Convention in the same venue.

MEDIA: The Vice President's remarks will be open press. Additional Logistical Details for Media are forthcoming.

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Contact: Stavros Papagermanos
Press Office
(212) 570-3530


Clergy-Laity 2014