"For just as in our individual bodies we have many limbs – and all the limbs do not have the same function, so also we, who are many persons, are One Body in Christ, and each are members of one another." (Romans 12:4-5)
My beloved Friends,
This year’s Clergy Laity Congress in San Diego promises to be one of dynamic joy for all who attend. Together with His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco, we are planning an extraordinary Congress with all kinds of activities and programs to enhance and nurture the life of our Sacred Archdiocese of America.
We celebrated our Centennial Congress in New York City, and it seems right that we should cast the greatest possible net by celebrating our 2024 Congress on the West Coast, and envelope the whole country in the love of Christ.
This year, we will be live broadcasting much more of the Congress sessions, workshops and ministry panels to the parishes and homes of our Faithful, so that they can feel a direct sense of participation in the events and deliberations in which the delegates will engage for these blessed five days – commencing with the feast of the Holy Apostles on June 30th and concluding on the Fourth of July.
Our theme for this Congress is “In Christ We Are One” – the affirmation of our unity as Orthodox Christians, as an Archdiocese, as children of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and as the Body of Christ.
The unity of the Church is a truth that cannot be falsified by any temporary or ephemeral setback, for this truth comes forth from God Himself. How we manifest that truth is up to us.
The 2024 Clergy Laity Congress is a choice opportunity to increase and intensify our understanding and sense of our unity in Christ, and for a few days, to “lay aside all earthly cares” that we may focus on “the one thing needful.”
Please make plans to join us in San Diego – either in person or virtually – so that the blessings of our unified spirit may be shared across the Nation, and raise the hopes and expectations of our Church, as we confront the challenges of our time.
For as Saint Paul says, just as in our individual bodies we have many limbs – and all the limbs do not have the same function, so also we, who are many persons, are One Body in Christ, and each are members of one another.
May God bless you all!
Clergy Laity Congress
San Diego, California
Sunday, June 30th through Thursday, July 4 2024
Register Today! https://www.clergylaity.org/delegates